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(More customer reviews)I received 2 "Authentic Tim Lincecum autographed" Balls from "AUTHENTICGRAPH". As soon as we saw these it was easy to tell that they were NOT authentic. A cheap forgery a best. So bad in fact, a 5 year old could have done a better job!
There are 3 distinctive points to Tims signiture and these Balls did not have even one. What it did have were things that never appear in his signature.
As for their "Certicicate of Authenticy", That too is a joke. A laminated picture of the athlete throwing a pitch in a game. Not a Photo of the Athlete signing the item as the seller claims. As for the sellers hologram, there is no way to verify anything with it. If you go the their website nothing is provided to check the holograph number to any signature. I sent this item to Global Authentics and sent their reply to Amazon. Amazon forwards all emails so I know that the seller received A copy of Global Authentics review of this "ATHENTICGRAPH" ball. One thing to note is that they increased the price of this item from $69.00 to $90.00 after I told them they were NOT Tims signature.
As for the Global Authentics Review, Here it is.
In our staff"s opinion this example of tim Lincecum is not likely genuine and was not signed in his own hand.
Global Authentics LLC
Steve Sipe / [...]
Heres another tid bit. All communication with this guy came from his i-Phone. When I asked him for the date of the signing he tells me " May 18th to the 23rd when they were playing Baltimore". The only problem with that is that the Giants were Playing the Oakland A's on those dates. Once I pointed this out, he claims to have mixed up the dates. Then provides a weekend date that was actually in the middle of the week.
For the Topper, he calls me at my home offering to come over, take me out to dinner ( all the way from back east the the west coast!) and Talk about Autographs after I told him I was going to provide Amazon with proof of his counterfeit items. There is also a history of 'AUTHENTICGRAPH" on fan websites which this guy claimed to know about (but says from his email outside of Amazon) " We are aware of the blog and our attorney had it shut down" Well if his"attorney" had it shot down, then why is it that it's up and running just fine? [...]Just scroll down a little, "Authenticgraph" has many "Fans" there lol. This may interest you it's on the web........
At 7:40 PM , Anonymous said...
Victor, there is a long story behind seller "Authentic-Graph" which I wrote about in a previous post. You may want to go through the previous posts and look for it. I will try a shortened verson here. First of all seller "Authentic-Graph" has three Ebay ID's including "Authentic-Graph2" and "Authentic-Graph3." The address they use is one of those "mail forwarding" addresses similar to a "Mailbox Etc." A few years ago they were selling a ton of very suspicious autographs on Ebay. I submitted a few of their autographs to "Quick Opinion" and not one passed. Then all-of-a-sudden all three of his Ebay ID's sold a few thousand autographs that were all authenticated by GAI. I am not a believer of GAI because 95% of the Derek Jeter autograph items that I have seen that were authenticated by GAI are not Derek's autograph. Well recently they were two sellers on Ebay (they are both now "Unregistered") that were selling hundreds of autograph items with COA's from "Authentic-Graph." Those two sellers were "Sportscards2k6" and "Sportscardsetc2007." By the way, both of those sellers were the same person. I caught onto them because they were selling a lot of fake Ryan Howard autograph items. I also submitted some of their items (Peyton Manning autograph items) with a COA from "Authentic-Graph" to "Quick Opinion" and they came back as "Likely Not Genuine" as I knew they would. Do yourself a favor and put it up for bid on Ebay and then submit it to "Quick Opinion." After the result comes back you can take it down. Send us the Ebay Item Number if you can......Chris W.
Heres a nice reply from Authenticgraph "If you want fakes go to E-bay, if you want authentic go to Amazon". I like that one!
The reason I have provided this information is simple. I do not want to see anyone to get Ripped Off from unscrupulous people.
I leave you with a Quote from his last email to me. " We dont care what anyone says about the autographs we sell. We know they are Authentic. "
Sorry AUTHENTICGRAPH, GAI knows they're not.
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