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(More customer reviews)I have reviewed lots of travel-related guidebooks over the years, so I can say with some authority that the Golden Gate Trailblazer--the third title in the popular Trailblazer series--is a real find. Although I lived for a number of years in the San Francisco/Marin area, I was simply overwhelmed by the amount of new information I learned about this most wonderful place. The choices of hikes, walks, jogs, and off-road (and sometimes on-road) cycling options are simply overwhelming. The "Best of San Francisco and Marin" section thankfully helps to break down all these choices into dozens of useful categories to help you get to where you want to go faster (for example: Short Walks to High Places; Wildflowers; and Raptors and Woodland Birds; Family Rides; Beach Runs; etc.). The "Free Advise and Opinion" section near the back, while only three pages in length, is nothing short of fabulous in dispensing loads of cryptically written, helpful information and side-splitting humor in equal proportions. And the black-and-white photography throughout the book are stunning in creating a visual sense of place (In my view, the quality of the photos sometimes reaches award-winning status--I would certainly love to see enlargements of some of my favorites!). Including hundreds of trail descriptions, jogging paths, and so forth in a book less than 300 pages long is no mean trick. The Sprouts accomplish this by using a consistent, well-organized, yet compact format, well-selected abbreviations, and carefully crafted yet succinct directions. One important note: This is one book where reading the "How to Use This Book" section will be time well spent. The organization of the book works and works well. But the reader will benefit by taking a moment to orient him or herself. And buying a good street map of the area is another essential, as the authors themselves so indicate. Map drawing, especially in the backcountry of Marin County, is a major challenge and the authors were wise to leave that job to the cartographers. With a copy of the Golden Gate Trailblazer and a good street map in hand you will be ready to explore places you may have never even heard of in a lifetime of living in the Bay Area. And if you are first-time visitors you will be thrilled to have so much well-informed guidance in selecting the activity that is just right for you. And, oh yes, a final tip of the hat to the authors for taking the time to include dozens of good ideas for outdoor exploration for those in wheelchairs and parents who opt to push the little one(s) in a baby stroller.
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Golden Gate Trailblazer: Where to Hike, Stroll, Bike, Jog, Roll in San Francisco and MarinA new edition of the book has been published for 2004.It is completely revised and updated and contains twelve new maps. See: GOLDEN GATE TRAILBLAZER: WHERE TO HIKE, WALK, BIKE IN SAN FRANCISCO AND MARIN, isbn 0967007275.With 102 recreational trailheads covering San Francisco and Marin County - which are linked by the famous bridge - Golden Gate Trailblazer is a complete guide, for both first-time visitors and lifelong locals. Dozens of city strolls and cultural attractions are offered along with the book's 300 plus hikes. Joggers and mountain bikers will find some 200 paths. Parents pushing baby strollers and wheelchair riders are offered complete listings. Trailblazer also includes special sections for family outings, dog-friendly trails, kayaks, camping, and inline skating. All public lands are covered, including the Golden Gate national Recreation Area, Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin Headlands, Muir Woods, seven California State Parks, several dozen Marin County Open Space Preserves, California State Wetlands, Golden Gate Park and numerous city and neighborhood parks. City strolls take in Fishermans Wharf, Alcatraz, Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown, Palace of Fine Arts, Haight-Ashbury!, the Embarcadero, downtown, Victorian neighborhoods and some of San Francisco's best kept secrets. Strolls are offered for Marin's hip and historic towns such as Sausalito, Mill Valley, Tiburon and Bolinas.

Click here for more information about Golden Gate Trailblazer: Where to Hike, Stroll, Bike, Jog, Roll in San Francisco and Marin