Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I got this book for Christmas and I was very hopeful that it would tell me 'The Bruce Story" since I didn't really know it. Well, it did and it didn't. Not knowing much about Springsteen's life or career and knowing only the music, reading this book, which consists of chronological news items, interviews and articles that appeared in ROLLING STONE, I got an interesting overview of his career and the way the public's perception of him has changed. The book is almost as interesting for the things it doesn't say, for instance, it says virtually nothing about the biggest event of Springsteen's career: his bitter two year battle to end his contract with Producer Mike Appel. (that is actually covered better in an out of print book you can try and order here called DOWN THUNDER ROAD) Also, his much publicized extra-marital affair with his band-member and current wife rates about 4 lines. Also, one article starts off telling us in a painfully beautiful reminisence about his early years and drops off just when things were getting interesting, way before he got signed. Overall, this book actually shows what a poor job ROLLING STONE has done over the years on all matters BRUCE. It's a good read - a must-have for completists but NOT where to begin if you have just gotten bit.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Bruce Springsteen, the Rolling Stone File: The Ultimate Compendium of Interviews, Articles, Facts and Opinions from the Files of Rolling Stone
The Rolling Stone Files is the ultimate collection of articles, facts, and opinions spanning Bruce Springsteen's entire history, featuring interviews, thoughts, and reflections from the Boss in his own words. The book is part biography, part autobiography, part insightful rock history--an incredible tribute to the Everyman of rock, one of its most beloved and enduring icons.
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