Cold Iron Review

Cold Iron
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For a first novel wetting its toes into the realm of fantasy this book is not too bad an attempt though I have to admit it is borderline fantasy in certain areas. I agree with one reviewer that some of the characters could do with having their mouths washed out with soap (and I am no prude) but other than that it was pretty good. The characters (thought overtly vulgar when there was no need to be) were well portrayed, and the plot interesting enough to keep you turning the pages. The book leads you into an integrated modern society where human and elves live side-side though not always in harmony. Enter Rosie Lavine, a jaded PI who is hired by a Rock Group's official groupie, Candy Cayne (no joke here folks) to find out who might be trying to kill the lead singer of a Elf Rock Group called Cold Iron. At first Rosie thinks it is all a piece of Rosie's drug induced imagination but when she is warned off by a group of professional thugs she changes her mind and immerses herself into the bizarre world of sex, drugs and Elf Hard Rock Music. Attracted to Jorandel, the sexy but degenerated lead singer, Rosie is on a roller coaster ride of a lifetime and it's not a pleasant experience. Haunted by her own demons, mainly from her childhood, Rosie lurches from clue to clue in a desperate bid to find out who wants the charismatic Jorandel dead. There are an assortment of other characters that thread in and out of the story as it wound its way to its climax, but it was Rosie and Candy who kept me turning the pages, as well the destructive relationship taking place between Rosie and Jorandel, played out in the sordid world of Elf Hard Rock music. I did enjoy the book but I feel it could have been so much more. All the same for a first attempt into fantasy Ms Michaels didn't do too bad a job really.

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When hard-bitten but pretty California private investigator Rose Lavine is hired to protect Jorandel, the charismatic singer of an ""elf-rock"" band, she discovers dark secrets lying behind the Fairy magic of the beat. Original."

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