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(More customer reviews)The rating of 4 stars I'm giving this is a combination of 3 stars and 5 stars. Some of the techniques presented are worth the 5 stars; the lack of actual forms or examples as administered is the 3 stars. There are many examples of each technique, but all are given as narrative descriptions, not as copies of the assessment form or handout.
One thing potential buyers should be aware of: THIS IS NOT A BOOK ABOUT GIVING TESTS. If you are looking for how to write tests, how to test your students, how to design exams, try James Popham or something similar. This is a book full of ways to survey your students to determine whether they are ready to learn, whether they are ready to absorb more information, whether they are understanding the material - but not tests.
Let me give you examples of the techniques I found immediately useful:
Technique #1: Background Knowledge Probe. This is to be given at the first class meeting, to see whether your students know what they're supposed to before they start your class. Here's how I administered it: I teach a course called "Quantitative Applications Software." It's mainly about using Microsoft Excel and related spreadsheets, and it's primarily for business majors to fill their core computer requirement. I prepared a survey form which had about 20 questions in all, with three columns to check off: "Know how to do this" (have studies it, remember it, can calculate it), "Have heard of this" (the concept is familiar but I don't remember how to figure it) and "Not familiar with this." The items to rate were divided into 3 categories: math knowledge (Square roots, exponents, order of operations); business concepts (compound interest, present value, mortgages, multi-state sales taxes) and Excel concepts - which is what the students would be learning, but some already know (built-in statistical functions, calculating loan payments, setting up invoicing systems, working with multiple files.) The students filled out this survey anonymously, so no one had to be embarrassed, and then after scanning the surveys, I announced that people who were unsure of the math concepts could get tutoring, people who knew all the Excel concepts might be able to test out of the course, and for everybody else, I would have an idea of how much time to spend explaining background math before introducing an Excel function.
Technique #25: Student-generated test questions. Students have to generate both questions and answers. This allows you to see what they think is the most important material they've studied so far, whether they've done only the homework or also studied handouts and their lecture notes, and whether they can organize their thinking. This one should be done only after you've already given the students at least one exam or a few quizzes, so that they know the length and difficulty of questions you expect.
On the other hand, many of the techniques are not very useful for my subject area - some are writing-intensive and don't fit in with a course that is mostly hands-on lab work; some require students to list pros and cons of something - not necessarily feasible in a course where there's a fixed minimum of material that MUST be covered, whether the students like it or not. More useful, I suspect, for classes where there are issues and current events and discussions, than for computer science basics.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers (Josse Bass Higher and Adult Education)
This revised and greatly expanded edition of the 1988 handbook offers teachers at all levels how-to advise on classroom assessment, including:
What classroom assessment entails and how it works.
How to plan, implement, and analyze assessment projects.
Twelve case studies that detail the real-life classroom experiences of teachers carrying out successful classroom assessment projects.
Fifty classroom assessment techniques
Step-by-step procedures for administering the techniques
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